
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Worth it in the End

     Today is the most glorious of Sundays because it's the day that we celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior. 

     Since I sing in the choir at my church this means getting up at 4:45 so that I can be there for the sunrise service, and singing in all 4 services.  I don't love mornings anyway, but I don't sleep well when I know I'm getting up early because I am afraid that I will oversleep.  This can make for a really long Sunday, so I drag my feet a little bit on Easter Sunday morning.

    Having done this for several years now though I know that it's worth it.  Being in the choir loft at our church I have one of the best views.  There are four small windows that overlook one of the foothills that our church is at the base of.  There is no feeling more incredible than singing about our risen Savior as the sun comes up.  Knowing that I have that sunrise to look forward to is what gets me out of bed, even if I drag my feet a little.

    I think homeschooling is the same way.  We believe that it will be worth it in the end, but some days we just aren't motivated to do it.  Some days we drag our feet but still get out of bed and do it.   We can keep our motivation up by remembering those incredible feelings we've had.  Even if we've only been homeschooling for a short time there are little successes to celebrate.  If you need something to keep you getting out of bed this time of year find a homeschool mom farther along on the journey than you.  Someone who can share some of the joys of homeschooling, who can give you encouragement to overcome those "hurdles" that you are facing.

    So today keep in mind the bigger picture, not just the goals we have for our children and the rewards of homeschooling, but the incredible hope that we share because of our risen Savior.

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